Glossary O

Operant reinforcer refers to any event that reliably increases the probability or frequency of responses it follows.

Operant speech training refers to the strategy used to help children use language more appropriately which involves a step-by-step approach that successively increases the child’s vocalizations, teaches the child to imitate sounds and words, teaches the meanings of words, and express desires.

- Operant stimulus discrimination : Operant stimulus discrimination refers to the tendency to make an operant response when stimuli previously associated with reward are present and to withhold the response when stimuli associated with non-reward are present.

Operant stimulus generalization refers to the tendency to respond to stimuli similar to those that preceded operant reinforcement.
Operating principle refers to a preferred way of taking in or operating on information.

Operating space refers to the mental space that can be allocated to the execution of intellectual operations in Case's Theory of working memory.

Operation refers to an action that is performed on an object or a set of objects.

Operation Identification refers to a proactive effort to identify personal property to prevent its theft

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