Glossary O

Object-centered representation is when the individual stores a representation of the object, independent of its appearance to the viewer

Deutsch: Ziel / Español: Objetivo / Português: Objetivo / Français: Objectif / Italiano: Obiettivo

An objective is an agreement among independent judges, scorers, or observers.

Objective in the psychology context refers to a goal or aim that guides behavior and decision-making processes. In psychological terms, objectives are essential for directing motivation, structuring plans, and measuring progress in therapy, personal development, and various psychological interventions.

Objective measures are dependent variables such as reaction time that can be easily verified. Likewise, psychological tests that draw conclusions about people's states or traits on the basis of their responses to unambiguous stimuli, such as rating scales or questionnaire items. Responses to objective measures are usually interpreted using a nomothetic approach. In contrast with Subjective measures

Objective morality refers to the perception of morality as objective, that is, as existing outside the cognitive functioning of people a characteristic of Piaget's stage of moral realism.

Objective personality tests are tests that typically use the questionnaire technique of measurement, for example, true/false or multiple-choice questions
Objective test refers to a test that gives the same score when different people correct it.

Objective threshold is a term which according to Cheesman and Merikle is the stimulus energy level that elicits truly random behavior. In comparison with Subjective threshold

Deutsch: Verpflichtung / Español: Obligación / Português: Obrigação / Français: Obligation / Italiano: Obbligo /

Obligation in the Psychology Context: Understanding Commitments, Guilt, and Motivation

In psychology, obligation refers to a sense of duty or responsibility that individuals feel toward fulfilling commitments, meeting expectations, or adhering to societal and personal norms. It is a complex emotion that can impact behavior, relationships, and well-being. Understanding the concept of obligation in the psychology context is crucial as it sheds light on how individuals navigate their responsibilities, manage the accompanying emotions, and strike a balance between meeting obligations and maintaining mental health. This knowledge can guide individuals in fostering healthy attitudes toward obligation, managing feelings of guilt or stress, and finding motivation to fulfill their commitments. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of obligation in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for handling obligations effectively, discuss treatment approaches for challenges related to excessive or distressing obligations, and list some similar concepts within the field of psychology.