Glossary P

Parietal Cortex is the part of the brain that determines where objects are in space, and consequently how one needs to react to them

Parietal Lobe is the division of the cerebral cortex located at the top rear part of the head that contains the primary somatosensory cortex; a section of the cerebral cortex between the occipital lobe and the central sulcus. Parietal Lobe is one of the four (4) cortical lobes, concerned with the integration of information from sensory areas; assists in sensory processes, spatial interpretation, attention, and language comprehension

Parietal reach region (PRR) refers to a network of areas in the parietal cortex that contains neurons that are involved in reaching behavior.
Parkinson’s disease refers to degenerative brain disorder principally affecting motor performance, such as tremors and stooped posture which is associated with reduction in Dopamine. Dementia may be a result as well.
Parkinson’s law is a law which states that a task will expand to fill the time available for its completion.
Parkinsonism refers to a behavioral syndrome marked by motor symptoms including tremor, rigidity, and slowness of movement.

Parmenides who was born ca. 515 B.C. believed that the world was solid, fixed, and motionless and therefore that all apparent change or motion was an illusion.
Parole refers to a supervised conditional release of a convicted prisoner before expiration of the sentence of imprisonment.

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