Glossary P
Glossary P
Parapraxis means a slip of the tongue or pen that reveals the unconscious mind. Parapraxis is a fancy word for the Freudian slip which is derived from Greek words "para" which means beside, beyond and "praxis" which means act.
Paraprofessional refers to an individual who works in a near-professional capacity under the supervision of a more highly trained person. Paraprofessionals, examples are crisis hotline workers moreover are persons with no formal clinical training, but who have been trained to assist professional mental health workers. The use of Paraprofessionals has been growing in community psychology and in the mental health field as a whole, and the results of meta-analyses suggest that Paraprofessionals may be as effective or in some cases even more effective than professionals. They are individuals without advanced education in psychology who have been trained to assist professional mental health workers.
Parapsychology is defined as the study of extranormal psychological events, such as extrasensory perception. Parapsychology is a term coined by J.B. Rhine to refer to the experimental and quantitative study of paranormal phenomena. Now generally used instead of "psychical research" to refer to all scientific investigation of the paranormal