Glossary P

- Passive genotype/environment correlations : Passive genotype /environment correlations refers to the notion that the rearing environments that biological parents provide are influenced by the parents’ own genes and hence are correlated with the child’s own genotype

Passive insufficiency refers to the state reached when an opposing muscle becomes stretched to the point where it can no longer lengthen and allow movement.

Passive mind is a mind whose contents are determined by sensory experience. It contains a few mechanistic principles that organize, store, and generalize sensory experiences. Moreover, Passive mind refers to a mind that simply reflects cognitively one's experiences with the physical world. The Empiricists assume a passive mind. Likewise, the British Empiricists and the French Sensationalists tended to postulate such a mind.

Passive reason is a term which according to Aristotle is the practical utilization of the information provided by the common sense.

Passive rehearsal refers to a style of rehearsing in which a person includes few, often one unique items per rehearsal set. Passive rehearsal is contrast with Cumulative rehearsal.

Passive smoking means non-smokers' inhaling of smoke as a result of exposure to smokers. Passive smoking is believed to cause health problems such as Bronchitis, Emphysema, and Lung cancer. Passive smoking, likewise, is the exposure of non-smokers to the smoke of other persons, such as spouses, parents, or co-workers. It means environmental tobacco smoke

Passive touch refers to a situation in which a person passively receives tactile stimulation that is presented by someone else.
Passive transformation refers to a transformational rule that transforms the deep structure of an active sentence into the passive voice.

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