Glossary R
Glossary R
Deutsch: Entspannung / Español: Relajación / Português: Relaxamento / Français: Relaxation / Italiano: Rilassamento
Relaxation is a state of lowered anxiety, stress, and physiological arousal. Relaxation may be induced in a number of ways, and it appears to be effective in the treatment of a number of health concerns.
Relaxation in the psychology context refers to the process of reducing tension and stress, both physically and mentally, to achieve a state of increased calmness and tranquility. This psychological and physiological state is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and health.
Deutsch: Wiedererlernen / Español: reaprendizaje / Português: reaprendizagem / Français: réapprentissage / Italiano: riapprendimento
Relearning in the psychology context refers to the process of reacquiring knowledge or skills that were previously learned but have been forgotten. It involves reviewing, practicing, or re-exposing oneself to material or tasks that were once mastered, and it often takes less time than learning the material for the first time. Relearning is an important concept in both memory studies and educational psychology, as it highlights the efficiency of recovering previously stored information.
Releasing in the context of psychology refers to the process or act of letting go, freeing oneself from emotional or psychological burdens, or relinquishing negative thoughts and feelings. It encompasses various therapeutic techniques and methods aimed at facilitating emotional release and achieving a state of emotional well-being and psychological balance.
Deutsch: Relevanz / Español: relevancia / Português: relevância / Français: pertinence / Italiano: rilevanza
In the context of psychology, relevance refers to the degree to which something is related or useful to the matter at hand, particularly in terms of understanding human behavior, cognitive processes, and emotional responses. It pertains to how individuals perceive, relate to, and are influenced by various factors in their environment.
Deutsch: Zuverlässigkeit / Español: Confiabilidad / Português: Confiabilidade / Français: Fiabilité / Italiano: Affidabilità /
Reliability refers to the extent wherein the result of an experiment is consistent or repeatable.
Deutsch: Abhängigkeit / Español: Dependencia / Português: Dependência / Français: Dépendance / Italiano: Dipendenza
Reliance in psychology refers to the extent to which an individual depends on others for emotional support, decision-making, or overall well-being. This term can describe both healthy interdependence and unhealthy dependency patterns, impacting one's mental health and interpersonal relationships.