Glossary S

Subarachnoid hemorrhage refers to the bleeding in the subarachnoid area of the brain due to the rupture of a blood vessel. The subarachnoid area is the space between the brain and the

Subarachnoid space refers to a space containing cerebrospinal fluid below the arachnoid membrane. Subarachnoid space refers also to small cavity that surrounds the brain.

Deutsch: Subkultur / Español: Subcultura / Português: Subcultura / Français: Sous-culture / Italian: Sottocultura

Subculture in psychology refers to a group of people within a larger culture who differentiate themselves from the larger group through unique beliefs, values, behaviors, and interests. Subcultures form around shared characteristics and experiences, providing a sense of identity and community to their members. So, a Subculture is a subdivision within the dominant culture that has its own norms, beliefs, and values.

Deutsch: Subjekt

In the context of psychology, a "subject" is an individual who participates in a research study or experiment. Subjects are typically recruited to participate in psychological research in order to help researchers better understand human behavior, thought, and emotions.

An opinion is called Subjective, when there is a lack of agreement among judges, scorers, or observers.

Subjective norms refer to people's beliefs about how those they care about will view the behavior in question

Deutsch: Subjektives Wohlbefinden / Español: Bienestar subjetivo / Português: Bem-estar subjetivo / Français: Bien-être subjectif / Italiano: Benessere soggettivo

Subjective well-being is a term used in psychology to describe how individuals experience the quality of their lives. It encompasses emotional reactions and cognitive judgments. It includes both emotional aspects, such as happiness and sadness, and cognitive evaluations, such as satisfaction with life. This concept is central to positive psychology, a field that focuses on what makes life most worth living.

Subjectivity in the psychology context refers to the personal and individual perspective or interpretation of experiences, emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. It is the lens through which an individual processes and makes sense of their world, and it can vary greatly from person to person. In this article, we will explore the concept of subjectivity, provide numerous examples to illustrate its significance, discuss the risks associated with subjectivity, examine its application areas in psychology, offer recommendations for understanding and managing subjectivity, and explore historical and legal aspects if applicable. We will also provide examples of sentences to illustrate the usage of the term in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of similar concepts and a summary.