Glossary S

Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia refers to a form of Dementia caused by the ingestion of substances, such as drugs, or exposure to toxins.

substance-related disorder refers to one of a range of problems associated with the use and abuse of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and other substances people use to alter the way they think, feel, and behave.

A Subtest is a set of items administered and scored as a separate portion of a longer, more comprehensive test.

Subtraction in the Psychology Context:

In psychology, subtraction is not a mathematical operation but rather a cognitive process related to information processing and decision-making. It involves the removal or reduction of one or more elements, factors, or conditions from a situation or problem to evaluate the impact of these subtractions on cognition, behavior, or perception. Subtraction is commonly used in experimental design and cognitive psychology to understand the underlying mechanisms of various psychological phenomena. In this context, we will explore subtraction in psychology, provide examples, discuss recommendations for its application and study, and touch upon related psychological concepts.

Subtype refers to a Group of people with a specific disorder who have something in common, such as symptoms, etiology, problem severity, or likely outcome, that makes them distinct f

Subtyping model refers to the information inconsistent with a stereotype that leads to the creation of a new substereotype to accommodate the information without changing the initial stereotype

In the context of psychology, the term "success" refers to the achievement of a desired outcome or goal. Success can be defined in a variety of ways, and can depend on an individual's personal values, interests, and circumstances.

Succor also spelled Succour refers to help or relief in time of distress. It also refers to someone who gives help. Succor also means to help someone in a difficult situation.

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