Glossary A
Glossary A
- Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (1-3 yrs) : Englisch: Erik Erikson 's Theory of Psychosocial Development Stages
Autonomy vs.
Autonomy vs.
Deutsch: Autoplastische Anpassung / Español: Adaptación Autoplástica / Português: Adaptação Autoplástica / Français: Adaptation Autoplastique / Italiano: Adattamento Autoplastico /
Autoplastic adaptation refers to that form of adjustment which results from changes within an individual.
Autoreceptor refers to presynaptic receptor that is stimulated by the neurotransmitter released by the presynaptic cell itself, feeding back to decrease further release of the transmitter
Autoregulation refers to mechanism by which an organ regulates blood flow to match the metabolic rate.
Autoshaping refer to responses that are learned in experimental situations even though they are not necessary to obtain reinforcement. Autoshaped behaviors, like pecking in pigeons usually appear to be part of the organism’s repertoire of "natural” behaviors.
A type of sign tracking in which a pigeon comes to automatically peck at a response key because the key light has been associated with the response-independent delivery of food is an example of Autoshaping.