Glossary A

Aversiveness refers to the unpleasantness or negative emotional experience associated with a stimulus, situation, or behavior. It is the degree to which something is disliked or avoided by an individual, and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as personal preferences, past experiences, cultural values, and social norms. Aversiveness is often studied in the context of conditioning and reinforcement, where certain behaviors or stimuli are associated with negative outcomes or punishments, leading to avoidance or decreased likelihood of occurrence.

- Avicenna (980 to 1037) : Avicenna refers to a Muslim physician and philosopher whose translations of, and commentaries on, the works of Aristotle strongly influenced subsequent Western philosophers.

Avoidance this means avoiding a problem by walking away, ignoring what is happening, refusing to participate in a conflict situation.

Avoidance behavior refer to behavior that occurs before the aversive stimulus is presented and therefore prevents its delivery.

Avoidance conditioning refers to a kind of learning in which specific stimuli are identified as painful or unpleasant and are therefore avoided.

- Avoidance contingency : Avoidance contingency refers to the situation in which the organism can avoid an aversive stimulus by engaging in appropriate activity.

Avoidance coping strategies refer to coping strategies designed to distract people from thinking about the source of anxiety.

- Avoidance goals : Avoidance goals refers to the goals framed in terms of avoiding unpleasant experiences, such as trying not to look foolish in public.