Glossary A

Auditory space is the perception of where sounds are located in space. Auditory space extends around a listener ’s head in all directions, existing wherever there is a sound.
Auditory stream segregation refers to the effect that occurs when a series of tones that differ in pitch or timbre are played so that the tones become perceptually separated into simultaneously occurring independent streams of sound.

Deutsch: Aufwertung / Español: Aumento / Português: Aumento / Français: Augmentation / Italiano: Aumento /

Augmentation, in the context of psychology, refers to the process of enhancing or strengthening certain mental or emotional attributes, behaviors, or cognitive functions. It involves deliberate efforts to improve one's psychological well-being, cognitive abilities, or emotional resilience. Augmentation can encompass various strategies and techniques aimed at fostering personal growth and development. This article explores the concept of augmentation in psychology, provides examples, discusses potential risks, application areas, offers recommendations, and explores historical and legal aspects when relevant. Additionally, it lists some related psychological concepts.

Augmentation principle refers to a rule of attribution which states that the perceived role of a cause will be augmented (increased) if other factors are present that would work against the behavior

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to a communication system which supplements, or in some cases, replaces the use of natural speech.

Augmenting Principle is a term used to refer to the tendency to attach greater importance to a potential cause of Behavior if the Behavior occurs despite the presence of other, inhibitory causes.

Moreover, Augmenting Principle is a term used when making attributions, people tend to decide that behavior must be due to a dispositional cause when a person behaves in a manner that is inconsistent with the requirements of the situation.

Auguste Ambroise Liebeault (1823 to 1904) refers to the founder of the Nancy school of hypnotism.