Glossary F
Glossary F
Deutsch: Fundamentaler Attributionsfehler / Español: Error fundamental de atribución / Português: Erro fundamental de atribuição / Français: Erreur fondamentale d'attribution / Italiano: Errore fondamentale di attribuzione
Fundamental attribution error is defined as the tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influences upon others' behavior; when making attributions, the tendency to underestimate the importance of situational causes and overestimate the importance of dispositional ones. Fundamental attribution error is also called Correspondence bias because we so usually see behavior as corresponding to a disposition. Fundamental attribution error is when making attributions, the tendency to underestimate the importance of situational causes and overestimate the importance of dispositional ones. Fundamental attribution error is also called Correspondence bias because we so usually see behavior as corresponding to a disposition.