Glossary I

Immediate experience refers to direct subjective experience as it occurs.

Deutsch: Immersion / Español: Inmersión / Português: Imersão / Français: Immersion / Italiano: Immersione

Immersion within the context of psychology refers to the experience of being deeply engaged or absorbed in an activity or environment to the extent that one's awareness of physical self or the passage of time diminishes. This state is often associated with a high level of focus and concentration, where external distractions are minimized, and the individual feels a sense of unity with the activity or environment.

Immersion program refers to a program that teaches children a second language by providing not only language instruction but also regular classes in that second language. Immersion program is a form of bilingual education.

Immortality refers to the positive pole of the psychosocial crisis of very old age, in which the person transcends death through a sense of symbolic continuity.

Immortality of the soul refers to a view originating in ancient Greek thought according to which the soul or essential element in a human does not die; it simply separates from the body at death and lives on eternally

Immune response refers to the body's defensive reaction to invasion by bacteria, viral agents, or other foreign substances.

Immune surveillance theory is a theoretical model suggesting that cancer is the result of an immune system dysfunction.

immune system refers to body’s means of identifying and eliminating any foreign materials such as bacteria, parasites, and even transplanted organs that enter the body.