Glossary J

John Henryism refers to a personality predisposition to cope actively with psychosocial stressors; may become lethal when those active coping efforts are unsuccessful; the syndrome has been especially documented among lower income Blacks at risk for or suffering from hypertension.

- John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873) : John Stuart Mill disagreed with his father James Mill that all complex ideas could be reduced to simple ideas. John Stuart or J.S. Mill proposed a process of mental chemistry according to which complex ideas could be distinctly different from the simple ideas (elements) that constituted them. J. S. Mill believed strongly that a science of human nature could be and should be developed.

In psychology, the term "joining" might refer to the process of joining or connecting with others in a social or interpersonal context. Joining can involve developing or strengthening relationships, finding common ground, or building connections with others.

Joint refers to a hand-rolled marijuana cigarette.

In psychology, the term "joint" can have a few different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few examples of how "joint" might be used in psychology:

Joint action is defined as an action carried out by an ensemble of people acting in coordination with one another. Examples include dancing and conversing.

Joint attention when two or more people are focusing on the same stimulus.

Joint capsule is defined as sleevelike covering of ligamentous tissue surrounding diarthrodial joints.