Glossary J
Glossary J
Deutsch: Eifersucht / Español: Celos / Português: Ciúmes / Français: Jalousie / Italiano: Gelosia
Jealousy in psychology refers to a complex emotional response that arises when a person perceives a threat to a valued relationship or possession. It often involves feelings of insecurity, fear, and resentment and can occur in interpersonal, familial, or social contexts. Jealousy is distinct from envy, which is the desire for something someone else possesses, whereas jealousy usually involves a triadic relationship—a person, a rival, and a valued bond.
Jean-Paul Sartre noted that although human beings strive for rational explanations for existence, they will never find one. He viewed human life as a "futile passion", and his emphasis on human freedom, choice, and responsibility is well known in Existential theory. He openly critized the determinism of Freud and wrote about Existential Psychology