Glossary L
Glossary L
Leadership Grid refers to a theory of management and leadership, proposed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, assuming that people vary in their concern for results and their concern for people, and that individuals who are high on both dimensions (9,9) are the best leaders.
Leadership motive pattern is the name for a pattern of needs in which a leader has a high need for power and a low need for affiliation.
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire refers to a test used to measure a leader’s self -perception of his/her leadership style.
Leadership substitutes theory refers to a conceptual analysis of the factors that combine to reduce or eliminate the need for a leader.
Leading Health Indicators refer to the major health concerns in the United States at the beginning of the twenty-first century as reflected by the Healthy People 2010 program.
Leads mean clues or pieces of information that aid in the progress of an investigation.
Leagues refer to the lists of former clients with similar problems who can give encouragement to battle the problem that the client and others have in common through sharing their stories by letters, email, or a similar means of communicating. Leagues are typically organize and manage by the therapists.