Glossary N

Neologism refers to atypical language characterized by the generation or production of words that are meaningless. Neologism alos refers to a type of thought disturbance in which the affected person creates and utters non-sensical words or phrases to which he or she has assigned a symbolic meaning.

Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale or NBAS that refers to a test that assesses a neonate ’s neurological integrity and responsiveness to environmental stimuli.
Neonatal imitation refers to the ability of newborns to reproduce some behavior, such as a facial expression, that they have seen in others.

Neonate refers to a newborn child, baby or infant from birth to approximately one (1) month of age. Neonate is from the Greek word neos meaning "new," and the Latin natus, meaning "born". a newborn infant from birth to approximately one month of age

Neonativism is a theory in psychology that suggests that humans are born with innate knowledge, rather than acquiring it solely through experience and learning. The term "neonativism" was coined by cognitive scientist Jerry Fodor in the late 1970s, and the theory has been influential in the study of cognitive development and language acquisition.

The Neonativism (Structural constraint theory) describes the idea that much cognitive knowledge, such as object concept and certain aspects of language, is innate, requiring little in the way of specific experiences to be expressed, and that there are biological constraints, in that the mind/brain is designed to process certain types of information in certain ways.

Neoplasm literally means "new tissue" . It is a neurologic term for tumor; cells that show abnormal growth.
Neoplastic it is characterized by new, abnormal growth of cells.

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