Glossary R

Reality principle is a term in psychoanalyic theory which refers to motivational force that leads the individual to confront the constraints of the external world.

English: Reality Testing / Deutsch: Realitätsprüfung / Español: Prueba de realidad / Português: Teste de realidade / Français: Test de réalité / Italiano: Verifica della realtà

In the psychology context, Reality Testing is a cognitive process that allows individuals to distinguish between what is internally perceived and what exists externally and objectively in the real world. It is a fundamental mechanism in maintaining a healthy sense of reality and is crucial for effective functioning in daily life. Reality testing involves checking one's thoughts, perceptions, and experiences against external evidence and adjusting beliefs and understandings accordingly.

Realization is a term used by Parkes to describe what is involved in "making real” all of the implications of loss ; "making real” in one's inner, subjective world that which is already real in the outer, objective world.

Reappraisal refers to a person's nearly constant re-evaluation of stressful events. (Lazarus and Folkman) Reappraisal refers to a step in stress and coping which involves making a new primary or secondary appraisal or evaluation resulting from changes in the situation.

Deutsch: Erziehung / Español: Crianza / Português: Criação / Français: Éducation / Italiano: Allevamento

Rearing in the psychology context refers to the practices, strategies, and methods used by caregivers to raise and nurture children. It encompasses the behaviors, attitudes, and values imparted to children by their parents or guardians, aiming to promote their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development.

Reasonable suspicion refers to warranted suspicion (short of probable cause) that a person may be engaged in the commission of a crime.
Reasonable woman standard refers to the appropriate basis for defining sexual harassment; defined as the standard by which a reasonable woman would consider a behavior offensive.

Deutsch: Vernunft / Español: Razonamiento / Português: Raciocínio / Français: Raisonnement / Italiano: Ragionamento

Reasoning in the context of psychology refers to the cognitive process that involves the organization of information or knowledge to reach conclusions, solve problems, and make decisions. This mental process is foundational to human thought, enabling individuals to analyze information, deduce implications, and apply knowledge to new situations.

Reasonig is the process of drawing conclusions from principles and from evidence Cognitive process(es) used in transforming given information, called premises, into conclusions. Reasoning is often seen as a special kind of thinking. A particular type of problem solving that involves making inferences.