Glossary R

Realization is a term used by Parkes to describe what is involved in "making real” all of the implications of loss ; "making real” in one's inner, subjective world that which is already real in the outer, objective world.

Reappraisal refers to a person's nearly constant re-evaluation of stressful events. (Lazarus and Folkman) Reappraisal refers to a step in stress and coping which involves making a new primary or secondary appraisal or evaluation resulting from changes in the situation.

Reasonable suspicion refers to warranted suspicion (short of probable cause) that a person may be engaged in the commission of a crime.
Reasonable woman standard refers to the appropriate basis for defining sexual harassment; defined as the standard by which a reasonable woman would consider a behavior offensive.

Deutsch: Vernunft / Español: Razonamiento / Português: Raciocínio / Français: Raisonnement / Italiano: Ragionamento

Reasoning in the context of psychology refers to the cognitive process that involves the organization of information or knowledge to reach conclusions, solve problems, and make decisions. This mental process is foundational to human thought, enabling individuals to analyze information, deduce implications, and apply knowledge to new situations.

Reasonig is the process of drawing conclusions from principles and from evidence Cognitive process(es) used in transforming given information, called premises, into conclusions. Reasoning is often seen as a special kind of thinking. A particular type of problem solving that involves making inferences.

Rebellion in psychology refers to the act of openly opposing or defying established norms, authority figures, or societal expectations. It is a complex psychological phenomenon that can manifest in various forms, from mild nonconformity to more extreme acts of defiance. This article explores the concept of rebellion in psychology, providing numerous examples to illustrate its relevance, discussing the risks associated with rebellious behavior, examining its application areas in the field, offering recommendations for understanding and addressing rebellion, and, if applicable, exploring historical and legal basics. We will also present sentences demonstrating the use of 'rebellion' in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of related terms and a summary.

Deutsch: Wiedergeburt / Español: Renacimiento / Português: Renascimento / Français: Renaissance / Italiano: Rinascita

Rebirth in the psychology context often refers to a profound personal transformation or renewal of the self. This concept embodies the process through which individuals undergo significant changes in their perspectives, behaviors, or identities, leading to a new sense of purpose, meaning, or being. Psychological rebirth is not about physical rebirth or reincarnation but rather about psychological or emotional renewal and growth. It can occur after a period of crisis, challenge, or deep introspection, leading to a heightened sense of awareness, changed values, or a new direction in life.

Deutsch: Rückprall / Español: Rebote / Português: Ressalto / Français: Rebondissement / Italian: Rimbalzo

Rebound is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when suppressed or avoided thoughts and emotions re-emerge, often more intensely than before. This effect is particularly notable when individuals try to suppress certain thoughts, only to have them come back more forcefully, a concept also known as the "rebound effect" or "ironic process theory."