Glossary R

rebound insomnia refers to the worsened sleep problems that can occur when medications are used to treat insomnia and then withdrawn in a person with insomnia,

Deutsch: Erinnerung / Español: Recuerdo / Português: Recordação / Français: Rappel / Italiano: Richiamo

A recall is to supply or reproduce memorized information with a minimum of external cues; to produce a fact, a word, or other item from memory; The retrieval of information in which the processor must generate most of the information without aids. Process of remembering information without the help of hints or cues; memory task in which the individual must reproduce material from memory without any cues. For Aristotle, the active mental search for the recollection of past experiences. See also Recognition.

Recall in the psychology context refers to the mental process of retrieving information stored in memory without the use of explicit cues or stimuli. This cognitive function is crucial for many daily activities and tasks, allowing individuals to access past experiences, knowledge, and information autonomously.

Recapitulation in the psychology context refers to a theory proposed by Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. This theory suggests that during the cognitive development of a child, they go through stages that mirror the evolutionary development of the human species. In other words, a child's intellectual growth retraces the historical development of human intelligence and understanding.

Receptive Language refers to the processing of language via auditory and Reading comprehension.

Receptor are molecules on the membranes of neurons to which neurotransmitters bind In the nervous system, a receptor is a specialized portion of an afferent neuron (or a special cell attached to an afferent neuron) that is sensitive to a form of energy in the environment.

Receptors refer to the binding site of neurotransmitter molecules; much like a key fits a lock, neurotransmitter molecules are released into the synaptic cleft between two (2) neurons and then bind to these sites or receptors. A sensory receptor is a neuron sensitive to environmental energy that changes this energy into electrical signals in the nervous system.

Recessive trait refers to the characteristic associated with genes that are reflected in the phenotype only in the homozygous state (e.g., both copies of the recessive allele are necessary to produce the characteristic).

Deutsch: Empfänger / Español: Receptor / Português: Recipiente / Français: Destinataire / Italiano: Destinatario

Recipient in the psychology context refers to an individual or entity that receives something, which could be a message, support, treatment, or any form of communication or aid. The concept is crucial in understanding various psychological processes, including communication, social support, and therapeutic interactions.