Glossary R

Randomization within constraints refers to a method of selection in which items are randomly chosen within the bounds of some selection rule or rules. For example, conditions are ran

Randomized Controlled Trials refer to a design that used to evaluate treatment outcomes in which children with a particular problem are randomly assigned to various treatment and control conditions.

Deutsch: Vergewaltigung / Español: Violación / Português: Estupro / Français: Viol / Italiano: Stupro

Rape is defined as forced intercourse upon a woman against her will; forced sexual behavior without a personal knowledge or intercourse by force and violence, by a man of a woman against her will.

In psychology, rape is understood as a traumatic event that can have profound and long-lasting effects on an individual's mental and emotional health. It involves forced or non-consensual sexual intercourse, which is a severe violation of personal autonomy and safety.

Rape trauma syndrome or RTS refers to a two-stage stress response pattern that occurs after a rape; the emotional and physical effects a woman undergoes following a rape or attempted rape.

Raphe system refers to a group of neurons in the pons and medulla whose axons extend throughout much of the forebrain.

Rapid cyclers refer to persons with Bipolar Disorder who have four(4) to eight (8) mood episodes within the course of a year.

Rapid cycling is a a term which is used to describe the occurrence of four (4) or more separate Bipolar episodes in any combination within a one-year period.