Glossary B

Broaden-and-build theory the proposition that positive emotions expand an individual’s attention and mind-set.

Broca's aphasia refers to a form of Aphasia that involves a disturbance in language production but intact comprehension abilities.

Broca's area refers to a language area related to grammar and pronunciation. It is a portion of the human left frontal lobe associated with certain aspects of language, especially language production. Moreover, Broca's area refers to area /structure located in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex that is important for language perception and that controls production. One effect of damage is difficulty in speaking.

Brodie refers to a daredevil or suicidal jump; a spectacular failure.

Brodmann's areas refers to cytoarchitectural scheme dividing the cortex into 52 sections.

Broken record refers to a self -assertion technique involving repeating a request until it is acknowledged.

Broken windows thesis refers to a perspective on crime causation which holds that physical deterioration in an area leads to increased concerns for personal safety among area residents, and to higher crime rates in that area.

Deutsch: Binsenweisheit / Español: Bromuro / Português: Brometo / Français: Bromure / Italiano: Bromuro

Bromide refers to 1. A tired or meaningless remark. 2. A tiresome or boring person.