Glossary B

Bronchitis refers to any inflammation of the bronchi.

Deutsch: Bronfenbrenner / Español: Bronfenbrenner / Português: Bronfenbrenner / Français: Bronfenbrenner / Italiano: Bronfenbrenner

Urie Bronfenbrenner is a renowned developmental psychologist best known for his Ecological Systems Theory. This theory emphasizes the complex interactions between a child and their environment, highlighting how these interactions influence development.

Bronfenbrenner's theory refers to ecological and systems theory of human development that proposed that developing person is embedded on a series of interacting system. This theory put low emphasis on bilogical effects, moderate empahasis on psychological and life cycle and heavy empahsis on social aspect in human development

Brothel refers to a house of prostitution where prostitutes and customers meet for sexual activity.

Brown study is defined as a state of deep absorption in thought. Apparently from brown in the sense of gloomy.

Brown v. Mississippi refers to the Supreme Court Decision ending brutality and "third degree" interrogation tactics.

Brown-Peterson technique refers to a way of studying short term memory that involves first presenting a to-be-remembered item and then presenting material that limits rehearsal for a retention interval prior to a retention test

Bruce McEwen identified many markers of Allostatic load. Major markers include hypertension (high blood pressure), atherosclerosis (calcium deposits on arteries), fat staying in the system longer, higher waist-to-hip ratios (when fat goes to the waist not the hips), and sleep disruption.