Glossary B

Baiting crowd refers to a gathering of people in a public location whose members torment, tease, or goad others.

Balance refers to a biological system that enables us to know where our bodies are in the environment and to maintain a desired position.

Balance Theory refers to the formulations of Heider and of Newcomb that specify the relationships among (a) an individual's liking for another person; (b) his or her Attitude about given topic;

Balanced Latin square design refers to a counter-balancing scheme in which each condition is preceded and followed equally usually by every other condition

Balint's syndrome is a term related to damage of the parietooccipital area of both hemispheres includes visual Agnosia together with other visuo-spatial difficulties, such as misreaching and left-sided neglect.
Ballistic movement refers to the motion that proceeds as a single organized unit that cannot be redirected once it begins
Ballistics refers to the study of projectiles in flight

- Baltes Life-span perspective/Social optimization with compensation (SOC) : Baltes Life-span perspective/Social optimization with compensation (SOC) is a theory on human development that proposed that development is multiply determined optimization of goals. This theory put emphasis on the interactions of all four (4) forces psychological, social, biological and life cycle forces on human development and cannot consider any in isolation. Life-span perspective view that human developent is multiply determined and cannot be understood within the scope of a single framework.