Dual-system hypothesis refers to a hypothesis that suggests that two (2) languages are represented somehow in separate systems of the mind.

The dual-system hypothesis is a theoretical framework in psychology that suggests that decision-making and behavior are influenced by the interaction of two cognitive systems: the reflective system and the impulsive system.

The reflective system, also known as the deliberative system, is a slower, more effortful cognitive process that involves conscious reasoning and evaluation of information. It is associated with the prefrontal cortex and is thought to be involved in planning, decision-making, and self-control.

The impulsive system, also known as the affective system, is a faster, more automatic cognitive process that is driven by emotional reactions and immediate rewards. It is associated with the limbic system and is thought to be involved in impulsive behavior, emotional responses, and reward-seeking.

The dual-system hypothesis suggests that these two systems interact in complex ways to shape decision-making and behavior. For example, a person may be motivated to pursue a particular goal or reward, but the reflective system may override impulsive impulses in order to make a more rational decision.

Examples of research related to the dual-system hypothesis include studies on addiction, risk-taking behavior, and decision-making in various contexts. For instance, researchers have found that the impulsive system may play a larger role in addiction-related behavior, while the reflective system may be more important in helping individuals resist temptation and maintain abstinence. Additionally, studies have shown that adolescents tend to rely more on the impulsive system, which may contribute to risky behaviors such as drug use and unprotected sex.

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