Glossary F

Factitious disorder with mostly physical symptoms refers to a type of Factitious Disorders. People with this disorder claim to have symptoms related to a physical illness, such as symptoms of chest pain, stomach problems or fever. This disorder is sometimes referred to as Munchausen syndrome, named for Baron von Munchausen, an 18th century German officer who was known for embellishing the stories of his life and experiences. *

Factitious disorders refer to kind of disorders marked by deliberately faking physical or mental illness to gain medical attention.

Deutsch: Faktor / Español: Factor / Português: Fator / Français: Facteur / Italiano: Fattore /

Factor is defined as the hypothesized dimension underlying an interrelated set of variables; a variable that differentiates a set of groups or conditions being compared in a research study. In an experimental design, a Factor is an independent variable.

Factor analysis refers to statistical technique used to reduce large amounts of data (e.g. answers to personality questionnaires given to large numbers of people) into groups of items, or factors, that correlate highly with each other but not with other items.

Factor analytic approach is defined as a statistical method usually used in test construction to determine whether potential items are or are not highly related to each other.

Factorial design refers to an experimental design containing more than one independent variable in which every level of each independent variable is combined with every other level. Moreover, It is a research method that can study more than one variable at a time; a research design that includes two or more factors.

Factorial design experiment refers to an experimental study that involves two (2) or more independent variables

Factors refers to the independent variables whose levels are combined in a factorial experiment. In Psychometric approaches to intelligence, a set of related mental skills, such as verbal or spatial skills that underlies intellectual functioning.