Glossary F

Faithful subject role is a term used in a study that refers to a participant''s attempt to follow experimental instructions to the letter and to avoid acting on the basis of any suspicions about the purpose of the experiment.

A fallacy refers to an error in reasoning that can lead to false beliefs or conclusions. There are several types of fallacies that psychologists and researchers should be aware of, including:

Fallacy of affirming the consequent refers to a mistake in logic in which a person observes an effect, and ascribes to it a cause.

Fallacy of positive instances is defined as the tendency to remember or notice information that fits one's expectations while forgetting discrepancies.

Fallopian tube is defined as a tube through which ova travel from an ovary to the uterus. It is the tube, extending from the uterus to the ovary, in which fertilization takes place.

False alarm is defined as the incorrect reporting of the presence of a signal on a trial in which only noise occurs
- False belief (understanding) : False belief (understanding) is defined as the understanding that other people can hold beliefs that contradict reality and that they will act on those beliefs. False-belief understanding is an important component of theory of mind understandings.

False consensus effect refers to man's incorrect belief that others agree with him.