Glossary L

Language bioprogram hypothesis refers to the hypothesis that children whose environmental exposure to language is limited, use a backup linguistic system.

Language differentiation refers to the task of children growing up exposed to two (2) or more languages to figure out that they are hearing two (2) different languages rather than one language that is some combination of both.

Language games is a term which according to Wittgenstein is the linguistic conventions that guide activities within a community.

Language input refers to the speech children hear. Language input is the "input" to the Language Acquisition Device. Please see Language Acquisition Device

Language perception refers to the ability to recognize sounds and differentiate among sound combinations before the meanings of these sounds are understood.
Language play refers to activities such as rhyming, using alliteration, and making puns that manipulate the sound of language.

Language production refers to the generation of language material by an individual. One of the first significant events is the naming of objects.

Deutsch: Sprachkompetenz / English: Language Proficiency / Español: Competencia Lingüística / Português: Proficiência Linguística / Français: Compétence Linguistique / Italiano: Competenza Linguistica

Language proficiency in the psychology context refers to the degree of skill and fluency an individual has in using a particular language. It encompasses a range of abilities including understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in that language. Language proficiency is not just about grammar and vocabulary, but also involves the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in diverse social and cultural contexts. It is a multidimensional concept that can vary across different domains of language use.