Glossary N

negative symptom refers to less outgoing symptom, such as flat affect (toneless speech, vacant gaze) or poor speech, displayed by some people with Schizophrenia.

Negative symptoms refer to the symptoms of schizophrenia, including affective flattening, alogia, avolition, and anhedonia, that involve functioning below the level of normal behavior. Negative symptoms are also known as second-rank symptoms in schizophrenia; those characteristics that are notably absent in the affected person but are usually present in a person’s experience, such as appropriate self care, full range of affect

Negative symptoms in schizophrenia deficits in functioning that indicate the absence of a capacity present in normal people, such as affective flattening which is also called Type II symptoms

Negative transfer is when the mastery of one task conflicts with learning or performing another. Negative transfer occurs when solving an earlier problem makes it harder to solve a later one.

Negative-information bias refers to the fact that negative information receives more weight in an employment decision than does positive information.

Negative-state relief hypothesis is the idea that people help in order to alleviate their own sadness and distress
Negatively accelerated function refers to a function in which the rate of increase or decrease of one variable decreases as a second variable increases. Such functions are characterized by steep initial slopes that become progressively flatter.
Negativism refers to the disturbance of volition found in schizophrenia and characterized by a stubborn refusal to follow any course of action suggested or expected by others.

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