Glossary N

- Negotiation and bargaining : Negotiation and bargaining is defined as a method of resolving conflict in which two (2) sides use verbal skill and strategy to reach an agreement.

In psychology, "neighborhood" refers to the physical and social environment in which individuals live, and how it can influence their behavior, attitudes, and well-being. Neighborhoods can vary widely in terms of their characteristics, such as safety, access to resources, and social cohesion,, and these factors can have a significant impact on individuals' mental health and well-being..

- Neo-dissociation theory : Neo-dissociation Theory refers to Hilgard's theory, according to which one part of the body is separated off from other parts in t

Neo-Freudian refers to a Psychologist who accepts the broad features of Freud's theory but has revised the theory to fit his/her her own concepts.

Neo-nativism refers to the idea that much cognitive knowledge, such as object concept, is innate, requiring little in the way of specific experiences to be expressed, and that there are biological constraints, in that the mind/brain is designed to process certain types of information in certain ways.

Neobehaviorism refers to a brand of behaviorism that utilizes intervening variables, in the form of hypothesized physiological processes, to help explain behavior. Neobehaviorism agreed with older forms of Behaviorism that overt behavior should be Psychology's subject matter but disagreed that theoretical speculation concerning abstract entities must be avoided. Such speculation was accepted provided that the theoretical terms employed are operationally defined and lead to testable predictions about overt behavior.

Neocortex is defined as the outer layer of the brain, which gives humans their highly developed intelligence.

Neodissociation theory refers to Hilgard’s theory, which maintains that consciousness is divided into aware and unaware parts during hypnosis. Please see also Neo-dissociation theory

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