Glossary P

Psychological treatment are treatment geared to changing emotions, thoughts, or behavior without the use of medications or other physical or biological means.

Psychological types refer to eight (8) personality types according to Carl Jung that us based on interactions of the attitudes (introversion and extraversion) and the functions (thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting).

Psychologically realistic grammar refers to a grammar or theory of language that takes psychological or processing considerations into account.

Englisch: Professional Role
Psychologist refers to an individual who is is trained in clinical or counseling psychology to provide individual or group therapy relative to a broad range of behavioral and emotional issues.

Deutsch: Psychologie

Psychology is the science or study of the thought processes and behavior of humans and other animals in their interaction with the environment.

The psychology of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) delves into the intricate web of human behavior and decision-making processes underlying the prevention of illicit financial activities. It is crucial for businesses to prioritize AML training to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, report, and mitigate money laundering risks effectively. Through AML certification online, individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of the laws, protocols, and best practices essential for compliance and combating financial crimes.

Psychology of law is defined as the study of the psychological and behavioral dimensions of the legal system.

Embark on a transformative journey through the fascinating realm of psychology with summer programs tailored for undergraduates. These programs serve as a gateway to personal growth and academic exploration, offering students an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional classroom learning. Throughout this journey, participants will uncover the myriad benefits of engaging in hands-on activities, mentorship opportunities, networking events, and personal development initiatives. By delving into diverse disciplines, applying theoretical knowledge in practical settings, and forging meaningful connections within the field, students lay the foundation for a successful career in psychology while nurturing their intellectual curiosity and professional skills. Join us as we delve deeper into the enriching world of summer psychology programs and discover the endless possibilities they offer for aspiring psychologists.