Glossary P

Psychological intervention is defined as a method of inducing changes in a person's behavior, thoughts, or feelings.

Psychological model of mental illness is the assumption that mental illness results from such psychological causes as conflict, anxiety, faulty beliefs, frustration, or traumatic experience.

Psychological moratorium is a time-out period when adolescents experiment with different roles, values, beliefs, and relationships.

Psychological numbing means the reduction in the capacity to experience emotions
Psychological Pattern refers to set of thoughts, feelings, emotions, values, and beliefs, which serve as reference points to describe the individual.

Psychological perspective refers to the traditional view that behavior is shaped by psychological processes which occours at the level of the individual.
Psychological profiling is defined as the attempt to categorize, understand, and predict, the behavior of certain types of offenders based upon behavioral clues they provide.

Psychological reactance is defined as an aversive psychological state that arises when people perceive that their freedom of choice is restricted. People respond to this state by reasserting their freedom, leading to an increased desire for the forbidden object.