Glossary B
Glossary B
Bedwetting refers to involuntary urination in bed. Bedwetting is called "Enuresis, " from the Greek "enourin" meaning "to urinate in."Bedwetting which is also called Nocturnal Enuresis refers to involuntary passage of urine (urinary incontinence ) while asleep. Moreover, Bedwetting is a failure to control the bladder during the night. It is frequently used interchangeably with Enuresis, although Bedwetting refers to the behavior itself and Enuresis is a diagnostic category, related to the age of the child.
Deutsch: Verhalten / Español: Comportamiento / Português: Comportamento / Français: Comportement / Italiano: Comportamento /
Behavior refers to the observable response a person makes to any situation. It also includes the reactions or movements made by an individual usually in relation to the environment.