Glossary C
Glossary C
Cross-adaptation refers to reduced response to one stimulus because of recent exposure to some other stimulus
Cross-case analysis refers to an analysis that involves an examination of more than one case, either a variable-oriented or case-oriented analysis.
Cross-categorization refers to a reduction of the impact of social categorization on individuals’ perceptions by making salient their memberships in two (2) or more social groups or categories that are not related to the categories that are generating ingroup –outgroup tensions.
Cross-cueing refers to the enhancement of recall that occurs during group discussion when the statements made by group members serve as cues for the retrieval of information from the memories of other group members.
Cross-Cultural refers to the interaction, communication, or other processes between people or entities from two or more different cultures.
Cross-cultural Communication refers to communication between people of two different ethnic backgrounds.
Cross-cultural comparison refers toa study that compares the behavior and/or development of people from different cultural or subcultural backgrounds.
Cross-cultural issues is the acknowledgement that counseling is not working for many clients of color and that clinicians need to be vigilant about having an ever increasing awareness of their own assumptions, values, and biases; an understanding of the worldview of the culturally different client; and the ability to apply adequate intervention strategies when working with culturally different clients