Glossary T

Treatment plan refers to a written document that outlines the frequency and types of the long-term care services that a patient receives. It may include treatment goals for a specified time period.

Treatment planning refers to the process used to address identified client concerns, and is based on one’s conceptualization of client problems and on the diagnosis. It is the process of plotting out the counseling process by delineating the path from the client’s presenting concerns and underlying difficulties to alleviation of these concerns.

Treatment Planning and Evaluation refers to the process of using Assessment information to generate a treatment plan and evaluate its effectiveness.

Tremor refers to involuntary shaking, usually of a limb, tremors may be resting or occur with intentional movement.

Tremulous is an adjective which means trembling; timid; nervous. Tremulous is from the Latin tremere which means "to tremble"

Trend refers to the general direction in which the attitudes, interests, behaviors and actions of a large segment of a population change over time, including fashion trends, fads, and

Trepanation refers to the technique of chipping or drilling holes in a person's skull, presumably used by primitive humans to allow evil spirits to escape.

Trephining refers to the drilling of a hole in the skull, presumably as a way of treating psychological disorders during pr

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