Glossary E
Glossary E
Effort justification paradigm refers to a research methodology used to test Dissonance theory, which arouses dissonance by getting people to invest time or energy to achieve a goal that may not be worthwhile
Effortful control refers to a child's ability to suppress a dominant response and perform a sub-dominant response instead. Moreover, Effortful control is referrring to the temperamental attribute that reflects one’s ability to focus and/or shift attention as called for by the situation and to suppress dominant or inappropriate responses in favor of those more appropriate for the situation
Effortful processes is defined as cognitive processes that consume some of the information-processing system 's limited capacity and are hypothesized to: (1) be available to conscious awareness, (2) interfere with the execution of other processes, (3) improve with practice, and (4) be influenced by individual differences in intelligence, motivation, or education Contrast with Automatic processes.
The Ego is in the Freudian theory the aspect of the personality involved in self-preservation activities, and directing instinctual drives (the id) into appropriate social channels.
Ego analysis refers to an alternative to traditional Psychoanalysis that is characterized by relative de-emphases on the role of the unconscious and the exploration of childhood experience and relative emphases on the adaptive functions of the ego, examples, perception, learning, memory and the exploration of contemporary problems in living.